You go to the gym, eat a healthy diet, and drink plenty of water throughout the day. In short, you’re doing everything possible but still can’t get the smooth, sculpted abdomen you want. No longer do you have to sigh in frustration every time you look in the mirror. At Bella Forma Cosmetic Surgery Center & Medspa in Duluth, Georgia, we have years of experience helping men and women bid goodbye to unwanted lumps and sags in the midsection. Let us use our expertise to determine if you’re a candidate for a tummy tuck.
Tummy Tuck Basics
A tummy tuck – or abdominoplasty, is a procedure that removes excess fat and skin from the abdominal area. Your cosmetic surgeon can additionally tighten loose muscles and reattach those that have separated due to pregnancy. This procedure is commonly confused with liposuction, but the two are distinctly different.
Liposuction removes small fat deposits in places like the buttocks, hips, and midsection. Abdominoplasty, on the other hand, targets excess skin removal and may also remove a small degree of fat. Our staff takes an innovative approach to abdominoplasty and performs what’s known as the Brazilian tummy tuck. This specialized procedure combines tumescent liposuction with excess skin removal to give you a more balanced appearance.
Tumescent liposuction is safer and more effective than traditional liposuction. It is also less painful and yields a faster recovery time. Aesthetically speaking, this revolutionary technology allows the removal of more fat, which in turn encourages the toned appearance you want.
What to Expect
Your care and comfort are our top priorities. For this reason, our team will discuss with you every aspect of the abdominoplasty and carefully answer your questions. The procedure requires minimal cutting and is extremely safe. There will be a small incision in your abdomen, and after, you will have some downtime to allow your body a chance to heal.
The good news is you’ll return to your normal routine with stronger abdominal muscles and a trimmer, fitter appearance. But do keep in mind results may take time to fully develop. The results of abdominoplasty are considered permanent. Neither the fat nor the excess skin that was removed will return unless you experience substantial weight fluctuation or another pregnancy.
For this reason, patients are encouraged to continue a healthy lifestyle after their procedures. This includes a low-sugar diet and regular exercise. Immediately after your procedure, drinking water and eating foods rich in protein – like meat and yogurt – can fuel your body with the nutrients it needs to recover.
Special Considerations
After your procedure, your surgeon may recommend you sleep on your back or in a chair for a brief period of time to prevent inadvertent stretching of your abdominal muscles. You may also need to limit physical activity so your body can properly rest and to allow your incision to heal.
It’s equally important to remember a tummy tuck is a highly individualized procedure, one that requires your decision to be based solely on your desires. No two people experience the same results, and we will provide guidance every step of the way to help you achieve the body you want.
Will I See the Results?
The short answer to this question is yes, you will see and feel the results of an abdominoplasty, although probably not immediately. In addition to a flatter and more contoured stomach, you may drop one or two clothing sizes. This change in appearance can yield relief and significantly raise your confidence.
Before undergoing cosmetic surgery, many patients complain they are unhappy with their bodies. But after, they often feel more youthful and lose the feeling that they need to hide imperfections.
Abdominoplasty Candidates
Patients choose to undergo abdominoplasty for a variety of reasons, and we fully respect all of them. Some mothers want to return to their pre-pregnancy bodies, older men and women want to eliminate sagging skin, and men and women who have lost weight want to get rid of stretch marks and excess bumps.
It is our goal to help everyone who decides to move forward with abdominoplasty, but candidacy is considered on a per-patient basis. Here, we outline the reasons we believe a tummy tuck is a viable option for some people.
Your Long-Term Goals
We’ve already mentioned abdominoplasty is a permanent procedure, but we want to circle back to this point because it is critical. If your weight is stable and you have no intention of getting pregnant, your long-term goals likely align with abdominoplasty. The care required after your procedure, and the mental boost you’ll likely experience, are no small feats.
You should, therefore, elect to have this surgery if you’re willing to commit to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and understand the benefits of the surgery can be with you for a very long time. If you do plan to get pregnant again, or pregnancy is a possibility in the future, we recommend you wait on having an abdominoplasty. Pregnancy can separate muscles and stretch belly skin, meaning the effects of the procedure would only be short-term.
We recommend that before choosing to undergo cosmetic surgery, you first look at what you want from your future. Our team is here to offer any medical advice that will make your decision easier.
Realistic Expectations
Abdominoplasty is not a weight-loss tool, but rather a way to smooth your abdomen. Results will depend on your physical shape and size, as not all bodies are created the same. If your best friend dropped three dress sizes after her procedure, that’s cause for celebration. But we caution you not to expect the same.
The surgery, as we discussed earlier, is individualized, meaning your results will be, too. Rest assured you’re in the best hands with our staff, and we will work to educate you in every way possible. Factors to consider with abdominoplasty include muscle tone, skin elasticity, age, and the fat and skin you want to be removed during the procedure. Each of these will play a part in determining how your body looks after the surgery.
Your goal should be to have the best body and most confidence you can personally achieve. Abdominoplasty can mark an exciting turn in your life, so we don’t want you to get bogged down with comparisons to other patients. Enjoy the journey and look forward to the ways this procedure can benefit you.
Healthy Body
Anytime you undergo surgery, you should be in the best health possible. Abdominoplasty is a low-risk procedure, but this rule still applies. Your surgeon will discuss your current and previous health conditions to get a look at the whole you, not just your abdomen.
Please be aware that some pre-existing disorders can interfere with the healing process. In addition, if you tend to develop thick or raised scars, you’ll want to mention this to your surgeon before the procedure. Together, we can explore the options and make a decision that bridges your health with your wish for a firmer midsection.
Mental Health Considerations
Emotional issues you’ve recently experienced or are currently going through can impact your overall health and well-being. Job loss, divorce, death of a loved one, or any other trauma may require that you speak with a professional before proceeding with your abdominoplasty. Here’s why: after the procedure, you may experience some discomfort and/or pain.
This can make you feel worse if it’s added to an already depressed or unhappy state. Your mental health also plays a large role in your immune system; negative thoughts may suppress immunity and make you heal more slowly. For these reasons, we recommend you have a strong support system prior to your surgery. Friends and loved ones can help you emerge from the healing much like a butterfly from its cocoon.
We provide superior results to patients through compassionate care, experienced staff, and cutting-edge technology. We also provide a safe and comfortable environment. When coupled with your own support system, you can expect a process that will leave you asking, “Why didn’t I do this sooner?”
Current and Future Weight Goals
Again, we want to discuss weight and the influence it can have in determining who’s a good fit for abdominoplasty. The procedure is ideal for men and women who have experienced weight loss and now have loose skin and some stubborn fat they want to be removed. The same is true of women who have had pregnancies and want to tighten muscles and improve their overall abdominal profiles.
We suggest you have the surgery if you’re near your ideal body weight and neither plan nor want to experience significantly more weight loss in the future; this can interfere with your results later down the road. It’s perfectly normal to fluctuate 5 to 10 pounds in weight, and such small losses or gains will not affect your abdominoplasty results. Depending on how your body gains and/or loses weight, it’s even possible you would see no change in your abdomen with natural weight fluctuations.
But significant weight gain can lead to fat around the middle and stretch marks, just as substantial weight loss can produce loose, stretched skin. We’ll discuss your weight in-depth during your consultation, but knowing you’re comfortable with the scale will help us make a more informed decision.
Smoking and Abdominoplasty
While the two may seemingly have nothing to do with each other, it is highly recommended you not smoke if you want to undergo an abdominoplasty. The reasons make perfect sense once you look at them. Smoking causes blood vessels to constrict, which essentially means less blood flow. Without oxygen, skin tissues can die. This can lead to delayed wound healing, thicker scars, and a loss of suppleness in the skin.
We should also mention that smoking can impair the body’s natural immune response. Therefore, if you smoke before or immediately following surgery, you’re at an increased risk of infection. While you already know abdominoplasty is a low-risk procedure, it is performed with the use of anesthesia.
To avoid the potential of complications and increase your candidacy for abdominoplasty, your surgeon may discuss with you the benefits of quitting smoking. Quitting can also help you lead a healthier lifestyle after the procedure by allowing you to exercise and maintain the healthy weight you desire.
Learn More or Get Started
Abdominoplasty can give you more than a sculpted abdomen. It can restore your confidence and help you feel years younger. If you have been thinking about it for some time or are only now considering the benefits of this procedure, we recommend you wait no longer.
Call Bella Forma Cosmetic Surgery Center & Medspa in Duluth, Georgia, today and schedule your appointment. We can answer all of your questions and provide you with comprehensive care in a modern facility. It is our pleasure to serve you.