How Fast Are You Aging?
What if there was a test that could be done to determine how fast you are aging? What if the test could precisely tell you the real age inside your arteries and truly identify you as being at risk for a heart attack?
Are you a 35 year-old person with the arteries of a 70 year-old?
Are you a 70 year-old with the arteries of a 40 year old person?
The majority of people rely on standard cholesterol testing in order to determine their risk level for a heart attack, not knowing that those tests only give a partial picture of the situation.
Did you know that 50% of people who have a heart attack have “normal” cholesterol levels? Cholesterol is carried throughout the body in little balls called lipoproteins. The lipoproteins, not the cholesterol in them, are the cause of clogging of the arteries. Standard cholesterol testing leaves many people unaware that they are still at risk for a heart attack, even with “normal” cholesterol numbers.
At Smart Aging ® we offer an efficient test called LPP – Lipoprotein Particle Profile, an advanced test that accurately assesses your risk for heart diseases by measuring the size/density and number of your LDL and HDL lipoprotein particles. New risk factors for heart attack introduced by NCEP – National Heart Blood and Lung Institute, can only be identified with advanced lipoprotein testing.
Candidates for the LPP test
All patients – especially those who:
• Have a family history of heart disease or diabetes
• Have been diagnosed with heart disease or diabetes
• Are already taking cholesterol-lowering medication
• Have been diagnosed with Metabolic Syndrome
• Are overweight
• Have low HDL – the good cholesterol
• Have high LDL – the bad cholesterol
• Have high triglycerides
Having a detailed Lipoprotein Particle Profile (LPP) gives your doctor the information needed to make more effective treatment decisions to reduce your risk for heart disease and even a heart attack. Don’t wait, contact us today.