You were always happy about your bust. You liked your cup size. You loved how perky your breasts looked. You felt like you body was in proportion, but something happened as you got older. You noticed that your breasts have been heading in the wrong direction. They are sagging down low. You have tried exercises to give them a boost. You have worn supportive bras. You’ve tried everything short of breast lift surgery, but nothing has helped your breasts to have a comeback.
It could be due to pregnancy; you may have nursed your baby. If you had more than one child, it could have really taken a toll on your breasts. Gaining and losing weight can also change the shape and position of your breasts. As you approach menopause, your hormone levels are going to decrease. This can result in less elasticity of your skin. Your breasts can droop more at this time. Regardless of why it’s happening, a breast lift can help you to get your breast back where you want them to be.
Why Is a Breast Lift So Effective?
A breast lift isn’t intended to make your breasts larger. It’s to help you lift your breasts up higher when they have begun to droop. Our cosmetic surgeon will go in and reshape your breast tissue to make it look more youthful. Excess skin will be removed so your breasts lift up. Your areolas will be raised as well. In the end, your breasts will look like they did in your younger years. You’ll feel like they are making a return to their former glory. You won’t need special bras to create the illusion of perky breasts; your breasts will have what they need.
Talk to Our Cosmetic Surgeon about the Benefits of a Breast Lift
If you aren’t happy with the way your breasts are sagging, our cosmetic surgeon at Bella Forma CSC & Medspa can help you to find a solution. Our cosmetic surgeon will evaluate your bust and discuss your options at our center in Duluth, GA. If you are happy with your size and only want a lift, you can learn more about a breast lift procedure. If you feel like your size isn’t big enough, you can talk about implants too. Our surgeon is here to help you shape your body. You can feel good about your bust when it is back where it belongs. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!