Have you struggled to feel good about your body after having children? Even if you are at peace with how having children changed your body, it may be hard for you to deal with these small but significant changes on a daily basis. The extra skin around your midsection or the sagging tissues or extra fat hanging over your pelvis may make it difficult to find the right size bottoms to fit your current body shape while your sagging breasts may make it hard for you to feel confident. We offer you a way to combat all of these problems in one surgical procedure. Also referred to as a mommy makeover in Atlanta, you can get back your more youthful body and the curves that you used to love using a combination of customized surgical procedures.
Customized Breast Lift
A mommy makeover in Atlanta generally consists of multiple procedures. We can address the unwanted changes to your breasts. The simple aging process combined with the breast changes that you saw during pregnancy and while breastfeeding can eventually make the skin around your breasts appear stretched out. Your breast tissues may even be sagging, and your nipples may be pointed downward rather than appearing perky. We can customize a breast procedure just for you so that you can get rid of stretched-out skin and underlying tissues and reposition your nipples if necessary.
Customized Liposuction
No matter how hard you work out or how diligently you count calories, you may still find yourself with extra padding around your midsection, thighs, hips or buttocks. Liposuction is a key component of a mommy makeover because it can permanently get rid of these fat cells that are unresponsive to all of your efforts and that are causing you to lose confidence in your body.
Customized Tummy Tuck
Even after removing unwanted fat from your midsection, you may find that you are still not at your desired shape. We can help you address this with a tummy tuck, also called an abdominoplasty. A tummy tuck can get rid of unwanted skin and underlying tissues that may be sagging over your upper pelvis.
If you are interested in a mommy makeover that can be completely customized to meet your goals, book an appointment at Bella Forma CSC & Medspa in Duluth. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and get started on the journey to planning your customized procedure.