In 2006, I coined the phrase “3-D Brazilian liposculpture” at Bella Forma Cosmetic Surgery Center after realizing that many of my colleagues were ( and still are), performing liposuction on parts of the body to “get rid of fat” and not contouring and sculpting. My personal approach to liposuction is to transform the body shape into a work of art, desirable and aesthetically appealing. The metaphor of a square stone transformed into a statue is what guides my surgery. Therefore, every patient is unique in their weight, body shape, bony structure, fat volume and distribution, ethnicity, expectations, and cultural background. Careful attention should be given to evaluating the patient’s psychology, physiology and anatomy in order to achieve excellent results. The lipoplastic surgeon is like an artist who sees his sculpture evolve on the surgical table, by taking away fat in certain areas, leaving it alone in others, transferring it to cover depressions and enhance projections and contouring. This can only be done with 3-D liposculpturing.